



  本夹具能在加工常规零件的时候使质量进一步提升,并降低劳动强度,能在保证产品质量加工精度的同时批量生产,从而降低生产成本。从而夹具的使用在某种程度上提高实际生产中企业的效益 。因而对夹具知识的认识和学习,在今天显的优为重要起来。



  China's socialist modernization requirements for mechanical manufacturing industry sectors of the national economy progress of technology, technical transformation to provide advanced, effective technical equipment, it must first for China is in the development of the industry include agricultural, heavy industry, light industry and other industries provide good quality, technical advanced technical equipment, but also for new materials, new energy, mechanical engineering of production and application of new technology provides the basis of equipment.

  The present paper is combining the actual production, gm can not meet the production requirements, fixture using universal fixture clamping work-piece efficiency, low labor strength, processing quality is not high, and often need to increase crossed process, and special design of a milling machine fixture, mainly including fixture positioning scheme, clamping, of cutter scheme, the concrete and the TAB folder design and machining precision analysis.

  This fixture can in processing of conventional parts that quality further ascension, and reduce the labor intensity, can guarantee the quality of its products processing precision and batch production, so as to reduce the production cost. Thus fixture use in some extent improve the efficiency of enterprises in practical production. Thus to fixture knowledge know and study the optimal in today's show for important up.

  Key words: equipment;manufacturing;milling; the machine tool's fixture


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