

1a crow and a fox乌鸦和狐狸)

one day a crow(乌鸦) finds a piece of meat.she picks it up(捡起) in her mouth and flies(飞) to a tall tree. she is just going to eat the meat when a fox sees her .the fox comes to the tree and stands under the tree. he looks at the meat and wants to eat it very much..he says to the crow(乌鸦):“ how pretty(美丽) you are!” you are the prettiest(最美丽) bird in the world. all th animals like you.”

the crow (乌鸦)is very pleased by these words. then the fox speaks again : “i can see your beautiful face,but i can’t see your pretty (美丽)teeth and tongue (口才).  can you show me your tongue (口才) or can you sing a song?” . this makes the crow (乌鸦)very happy, she opens her mouth and sings a song. when she opens her mouth ,she drops(掉下) the meat. the fox picks up(捡起) the meat and goes away.

2easy time(开心时刻)

part one(第一部分)

a:  my friend fell from a window twenty stories(20层)up yesterday.

b:  was he badly hurt?

a:  not at all. he fell inside.

part two(第二部分)

in class ,the teacher showed pictures of various(各种各样) birds. then he asked:“ what kind of bird do you like best,jack?”

jack answered: “fried chicken(炸鸡). sir.”


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