


  the dragon boat festival,also called double fifth festival,is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar.it is one of the most important chinese festivals,the other two being the autumn moon festival and chinese new year.

  the origin of this summer festival centers around a scholarly government official named chu yuan.he was a good and respected man,but because of the misdeeds of jealous rivals he eventually fell into disfavor in the emperor's court.

  unable to regain the respect of the emperor,in his sorrow chu yuan threw himself into the mi low river.because of their admiration for chu yuan,the local people living adjacent to the mi lo river rushed into their boats to search for him while throwing rice into the waters to appease the river dragons.

  although they were unable to find chu yuan,their efforts are still commemorated today during the dragon boat festival.







  the dragon boat festival, the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, has had a history of more than 2,000 years. it is usually in june in the gregorian calendar.


  粽子tsung-tse:glutinous rice filled with meat, nuts or bean paste and wrapped in bamboo leaves. it is associated with dragon boat festival with historical meaning.the custom of eating zongzi is now popular in north and south korea, japan and southeast asian nations.

  端午节喝什么?“樱桃桑椹与菖蒲,更买雄黄酒一壶。”端午节尝试一下雄黄酒吧。adults drink xiong huang wine, which can fend off evil spirits.

  端午节玩什么? “鼓声三下红旗开,两龙跃出浮水来。棹影斡波飞万剑,鼓声劈浪鸣千雷。”端午节最应景的节目就是赛龙舟。“dragon boat racing is an indispensable part of the festival, held all over the country. as the gun is fired, people will see racers in dragon-shaped canoes pulling the oars harmoniously and hurriedly, accompanied by rapid drums, speeding toward their destination.

  端午节戴什么?端午节最有特色的饰物就是香包(sachet)。小孩佩戴香包,传说有避邪驱瘟之意。on dragon boat festival, parents also need to dress their children up with a perfume pouch. they first sew little bags with colorful silk cloth, then fill the bags with perfumes or herbal medicines, and finally string them with silk threads. the perfume pouch will be hung around the neck or tied to the front of a garment as an ornament. they are said to be able to ward off evil.

  端午节挂什么?“不效艾符趋习俗,但祈蒲酒话升平。”挂艾叶菖蒲hang branches of moxa and calamus around the doors of their homes 和悬钟馗像display portraits of evil's nemesis, chung kuei都是为了驱疾避凶,讨个吉利。


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