英语演讲稿3分钟|最新英语演讲稿:I Tim glory


all the judges, all of you my friends:

good! me to deliver a speech entitled "i tim xx glory."

stand here today i am very pleased, pleased to be able to stand here to express my enthusiasm; i am very proud, proud that i was a credit for the development of xx luster. a month ago, i proudly and confidently, with feelings of excitement and eager to come here. i was a staff member of the organization department, also a foreign university students. just a job, i also had the ideal and the reality gap between the depression and anxiety, also had work and frustration and boredom of life.then one day, i came to realize that, in fact, i is the lack of spiritual support and ideals, the direction of the work and it did not feel a loss. life, not a lack of good, but need to create exciting.the famous lebanese poet gibran in his first at once said: life is dark, except with the desire; all desire are blind, unless with the knowledge; all knowledge is vain unless with the work; all work is empty, except with love. yes ah, when we work with love, we will be with himself and others, and society into one!

future in front of us a white-clad, large xx large wave on the magnificent vision, the remaining pictures will be to bring honor to our luster. today, tomorrow and tomorrow"s tomorrow, i would like my artificial sweat, with youth and wisdom, for the bright future  applying the most beautiful colors!

the end of my speech, thank you!


英语演讲稿1分钟 英语三分钟演讲稿
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